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Sightseeing in Madrid

Page history last edited by Beatriz333 9 years, 11 months ago

Everybody knows that Madrid city receives lots of visitors every year but do you know how many people visited it in 2012?


a)      Over 5 million

b)      2.5 million

c)      Nearly 8 million


1. You are going to watch a short video about information on Madrid for potential visitors. While you watch it, answer these questions about Madrid´s history and culture:




1. Who controlled Madrid in the 9th century?
2. When was Madrid declared capital of the kingdom?
3. What does he say about …?
a.the Prado Museum
b.the Royal Palace
c.the Main Square


2. Most tourists coming to Madrid stay just for a short time and they need to know what the most important sights are. Here you have a Top Ten of Attractions in Madrid. What do you think will number one be?


Watch the video and answer the questions:




1. When was the Almudena Cathedral completed?
2. What kind of building occupied the site where the cathedral stands today?
3. What expression in English means “rastro”?
4. What kind of events used to take place in Plaza Mayor?
5. What does she say about the Royal Palace? Do you agree?
6. When did the Prado Museum open?


3. Task.

Do you agree with the Top Ten presented on the video?

Now you are going to make your own Top 5 of Attractions in Madrid city. In pairs, you will choose and comment on the 5 most attractive sights of Madrid from a tourist perspective.


As you will have to provide some information on each sight, you can use this website: 




4. Now that you have created your own Top 5 of Madrid, check out the Top Ten proposed by Madrid´s city council:




Do you agree with it? Are there any sights or aspects that you wouldn´t include on the list?


5. Now it´s time for a quiz. How many words have you learnt through this activity? Do the quiz by clicking on the link below.




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